Monday, July 16, 2012

Predicting the future ... in four parts

I recently finished writing a four-part article series about predictive analytics entitled Predicting the Future. The topic is near and dear to my heart, since I have been working on the field since my undergrad years back in Brazil (more than 20 years ago). And, lately, through my work with PMML, the Predictive Model Markup Language.

The four articles have just been published by IBM in their entirety in the developerWorks website together with a video in which I introduce each article.

The article themselves can be found here:
  1. Predicting the future, Part 1: What is predictive analytics?
  2. Predicting the future, Part 2: Predictive modeling techniques
  3. Predicting the future, Part 3: Create a predictive solution
  4. Predicting the future, Part 4: Put a predictive solution to work
And, if you are interested in learning about open-standards and predictive analytics, I would also recommend the following articles:


Friday, July 13, 2012

Webcast: Predictive Analytics on Hadoop

UPDATE: Thanks for your interest in our joint webinar with Datameer: Predictive Analytics on Hadoop. If you were not able to attend or would like to watch it again at your own pace, just click HERE.

To extract value and insight from "Big Data", leading organizations increasingly leverage predictive analytics. By using statistical techniques that uncover important patterns present in historical data, companies are able to predict the future. In doing so, they become more precise, consistent and automated in everyday business decisions.

Please join the Datameer/Zementis webcast entitled Predictive Analytics on Hadoop: Gaining Faster Insights through Open Standards to learn to efficiently derive predictions from very large volumes of structured and unstructured data.

WHEN: Thursday, July 19, 2012, 10:00 am PT / 1:00 pm ET

Free registration 

In this webinar, we showcase the technical capabilities of the Universal PMML Plug-in for Datameer, a solution that combines open standards and Hadoop to reduce complexity and accelerate time-to-market for predictive analytics in any industry and for any business application.

Leave this webinar knowing:

  • The benefits of the Predictive Model Markup Language (PMML) standard as a data science best practice for data mining 
  • How to leverage predictive analytics in the context of big data 
  • How to reduce the cost and complexity of predictive analytics 

 You can register HERE

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